The Alchemy of the Healer: Transmuting the Pain of the Past Into the Antidote for the Future
FREE Full Moon Ceremony
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You have the power to choose your own experience.
The stories of the past that kept you from living your potential no longer relate the experience of who you are becoming.
You are healing, you are expanding – and as you do so, new truths are being revealed. As the layers are pulled back, you are able to see that they were placed there by a system that is afraid of your power.
Wrapped around you, those lies may have led you to believe that you weren’t good enough, strong enough, smart enough or powerful enough to stand up for what rings true in your heart.
You may have felt that you couldn’t be who you felt yourself to be, do what you truly wanted to do, or thrive in a life that you are capable of co-creating with Spirit.
But that is all rubbish.
And the healer within you knows it.
She knows that you are capable of so much more.
All that you want, wants you.
And it’s right there, just on the other side of your fear, just on the other side of your doubt.
But we see you. We were once where you are, staring into the same reflection that would have us believe that to be healer, a prophet, a witch, a seer was somehow wrong.
The truth is that so much in this world is a result of the fear that others have of you, of your ability to remember the god or goddess that you truly are…
…and your ability to help others remember the same.
Oh, but we are ready to rise.
Enough is enough. No more playing small.
It’s time that each and every one of us with
the healer archetype in our hearts
pulls back those layers of gaslit lies,
heals away the residue of those stories,
and begins to script new ones.
Darling, we’ve been waiting for you.
There is much to release, much to heal…
But it is time to step through the fear, face it and claim the power of who you are.
And there is nothing more important to us than to support you through that and to see you rise.
Because you living the life you love, bringing your magic out into the world and healing others is so incredibly important to us, we are gathering on this upcoming Full Moon in Aries to release the stories that are keeping you from grabbing the life you want.
This Aries moon reminds you of the warrior god(dess) that you are.
It shows you how powerful you are at aiming your arrow and hitting your mark when the veil of limitations has been pulled back from your eyes.
We are here for this.
We are here to see you rise.
And in order to do that, we must first allow for the holy purging of toxic thought and belief that is holding you back.
It’s time that each and every one of us with the healer archetype in our hearts pulls back those layers of gaslit lies, heals away the residue of those stories, and begins to script new ones.
Darling, we’ve been waiting for you.
There is much to release, much to heal…
But it is time to step through the fear, face it and claim the power of who you are.
And there is nothing more important to us than to support you through that and to see you rise.
Because you living the life you love, bringing your magic out into the world and healing others is so incredibly important to us, we are gathering on this upcoming Full Moon in Aries to release the stories that are keeping you from grabbing the life you want.
This Aries moon reminds you of the warrior god(dess) that you are.
It shows you how powerful you are at aiming your arrow and hitting your mark when the veil of limitations has been pulled back from your eyes.
We are here for this.
We are here to see you rise.
And in order to do that, we must first allow for the holy purging of toxic thought and belief that is holding you back.
“Janet and Ina, your workshop was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. I cannot thank you enough for all you put into it for us!! I am reeling from the benefits of today and will be forever, I am sure. Thank you for changing my life and helping me to step into my power.” – Selden Beylouni
“Yesterday’s potent Red Tent Healing Temple is the most incredibly profound circle experience I’ve ever had. It felt like being home after millennia…I am grateful, blessed and honored to have been present. I look forward to future Red Tent experiences with Janet and Ina.”- Shannon Gorton
“OMG, I loved every single minute of it. What a powerful combo. This was life-changing and worth the time and investment. I just want more, more, more! THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING WEEKEND! This was my first retreat ever and it’s only upward from here. I can’t wait for the next one in Peru and beyond. I love you both!” -Sydney
In our upcoming FREE Full Moon in Aries Ceremony, The Alchemy of the Healer: Transmuting the Pain of the Past into the Antidote for the Future, you will:
Release stories from the paradigm that would have you believe that you can't have it all
Clear lifetimes of suppression of your healing and intuitive gifts
Identify, dismantle, and destroy the beliefs that no longer serve your great work
Gain clarity around your life path as a healer
Activate healers codes that support you in healing from your power

Join us for this super potent, free 90 minute event!
The world is experiencing great chaos and struggle and you are the antidote.
You have a certain flavor of magic that will make the world an even better place and when you fully claim that, the ripple effects will be huge.
Share with your friends who have this same fire in their heart! The more of us who gather, the more powerful this ceremony will be.
Are you ready to claim your healing powers and create the future you came here to build?
Enter your name and email to get INSTANT access
to this potent replay now!
Meet Your KAIROS Guides & Teachers:
Ina Lukas and Janet Raftis

Janet Raftis and Ina Lukas are alchemical, shamanic, creatrix channels whose work together supports you in remembering and activating your own innate power and wisdom.
Through the activations that they facilitate for their community of planetary shifters and lightworkers, they initiate the remembrance of gifts and powers from past lifetimes. Intuition is turned on, light language begins to flow, latent healing abilities become active and suppressed power is catalyzed into the ability to receive greater abundance, richer relationships and exciting opportunities.
They are co-founders of the KAIROS Healers’ Academy, a year-long magical trade school for the healing and intuitive arts. The new school year begins on Samhain, November 6th, 2021. Click the link to learn more.
They also facilitate deeply potent channeled activations throughout the Wheel of the Year (Solstices, Equinoxes, Cross-Quarters) aligning you to the rhythms of nature and harnessing your own potential to tap into your intuitive gifts and to spiritually evolve.
They lead retreats at Sacred Activation sites around the world that provide even more life transforming opportunities to remember and activate the bigger Soul memory of who you truly are.
© 2022 by KAIROS Healers Academy | All Rights Reserved