The Sovereign Healer:
Catalyzing Embodiment, Value, Respect, and Leadership in Your Practice & in Your Life
We are so grateful you are here.
Before you watch and receive, get cozy. Set up your nest, make sure you will be undisturbed, and give yourself the permission to be fully held and nourished.
These sessions will catalyze potent healing and transformation and will continue to unfold over several days. You can integrate it more deeply by getting more rest, nourishing your body and connecting with your higher self. Pay attention to your dreams and journal what comes up for you.
Lilith Initiation – Audio Call Replay
Holy Lilith awakening!!
In this activation, we connected to full body awareness of your holy yeses and noes; we cleared the energetics of codependency, submissiveness and caretaking; we connected into the power of the feminine pleasure centers to guide you in life; we removed hooks of codependency and so much more.
After you receive it, head over to the Facebook group to share your experience.
We look forward to seeing you Monday for the Integration and Q&A!
Lilith Activation – Q & A Replay
Wow, what a powerful conversation and beautiful integration of the Lilith Activation. Thank you to each of you for asking such great questions today!
Some of the questions that we answered were:
- Since the Lilith Activation I’ve actually had a harder time discerning my yeses and my noes. I feel more confused on my path.
- I’ve always viewed Lilith as a demon, so I wasn’t sure about doing this activation, but I felt called. I’ve had some demonic images in my dreams, and seeing Lilith very erotic surrounded by snakes. I’ve had panic attacks, do you have any suggestions?
- I’m having a hard time with finding my yeses and noes in my body, and also wonder about setting boundaries with my boys. Since I have had such an issue with boundaries in the past, am I the right person to teach my boys about boundaries?
- I just did Kambo (frog medicine) and then the Lilith Activation – how do I integrate these two?
- I’ve had a hard time in every area of my life – financial, physical, emotional – and have been working with Lilith for years. I tend to be more in my masculine in survival, and want to allow more true sensuality in.
- When I’m at work I pick up on other people’s energy and get really overwhelmed by it. How do I not take the energy on, stay present and be able to work?
All of these questions wove into a powerful conversation, and then we took everyone into a 10 minute Integration process of the Lilith Activation. Such a great call today and powerful first week in the Sovereign Healer Journey.
And as we mentioned, if you are feeling the calling, we would love for you to join us over the next 4 weeks as we continue the journey of the Sovereign Healer. To join us, you can read more below.
Armadillo Initiation – Audio Call Replay
Well, that was a powerful activation! Thank you, sweet Armadillo!
Where to begin?!
If you haven’t received this yet, be prepared for some serious awesomeness.
Here’s some of what we covered:
✨Deep clearing of energies that aren’t yours
✨An ancestral DNA cleansing of generational boundary issues
✨The activation of your Armadillo shield
✨Inner child (armadillo baby) healing
✨Healing of childhood boundary violations
✨Activation of your holy hell no
✨Healing of repressed emotions
✨Activating congruence within you with your yeses and noes
Armadillo Activation – Q & A Replay
Today’s Q+A call was profound.
If you missed it, this is definitely one to carve out time for because of the depth of some of the questions that came up that address things you may be experiencing as well.
We covered repressed anger, nervous system dysregulation, triggers, and more.
This is really big stuff, so be sure to post in the FB group if you want to be supported by the container and/or have questions and shares about what is happening for you. Every time you share, you help someone else.
Plus, it is so helpful for us to know what is going on for you and it will help to form the content of what is yet to come.
Skunk Initiation – Audio Call Replay
Holy Skunkgasm!
Skunk had many surprises in store for us and this was such a beautiful and potent healing.
Here is some of what we covered:
- R.E.S.P.E.C.T and reverent radiance
- Healing childhood wounds of disrespect
- Leaky boundaries and oversharing
- Healing of shame based lack of self-respect
- Clearing of shame and lack of respect during conception
- Activation of the Skunk essence within
Skunk Activation – Q & A Replay
These Q+A calls have been so potent and yesterday’s was as well!
We had some great questions and we covered a lot within the realm of Skunk medicine and more.
Laure asked about energetic boundaries and how to manage being an empath and Pamela asked about boundaries on the spiritual realm and how to manage being awakened by Spirits.
Michelle is upgrading her communication and had a huge and super sweet breakthrough with her husband, while Rebecca is working on healthy boundaries with her son.
Lisa is asked about old anger and resentments coming up as well as being blown open by the massive healing she’s catalyzing.
A lot of powerful information came through and we wrapped up with an integration of the Skunk energy (as well as Armadillo and Lilith).
Rooster Initiation – Audio Call Replay
Rooster really brought it! Be prepared because Rooster is the Great Awakener and
In this call, you will:
🐓 Clear your pineal gland and be activated to greater clarity
🐓 Experience deep healing of your voice and an activation of your sacred codes of expression
🐓 Connect with the wisdom, voice and confidence of your inner little one, heal with her and activate her gifts in the world
🐓 Go through a process of deep awakening to yourself as a Sacred Disruptor, bringing your unique and needed magic into the world
🐓 And so much more!
We can’t wait to see you strut your stuff!
Rooster Activation – Q & A Replay
Wow, we had such a potent Q&A call today, with a beautiful Rooster Integration.
Hannah asked about connecting with a past life and the fear coming up, and how to work with the channeled energy that is coming through her, and boundaries in a physical body. This was a very powerful conversation that is an awakening and re-membrance in and of itself.
Maria has been feeling VERY tired, even with getting 8-9 hours of sleep at night. She’s transitioned out of her work as an elementary school teacher and is in between what’s next. Another potent conversation came out of her question.
Sharon asked about not being able to access her past lives and galactic star seed energy, and that brought about a beautiful conversation on being an embodied healer and earth channel, and how all of our gifts are unique and different.
Thank you for bringing such a deep conversation through today!
Barnacle Initiation – Audio Call Replay
We had no idea that Barnacle could bring it like that, but boy did s/he!
In this activation/initiation, we go deep into:
🌀Purification of toxic patterning that led you to divide rather than unite
🌀Healing the wounded inner child who was raised in dysfunctional environments
🌀Connecting into a community of healthy interdependence and mutual respect
🌀Stepping into embodied leadership
Barnacle Activation –
Q & A Replay
We went deep with boundaries, codependency and healthy communication in our Barnacle Q+A call and integration.
Angela has been feeling Barnacle’s call to leadership and asked about how to tune into what her next steps are.
Babs’ mother just had a stroke and she’s navigating how to support her without dropping into codependency patterns.
Beata wanted to know why she isn’t getting visions anymore (sometimes Spirit works in mysterious ways).
Rebecca is navigating relationship dynamics and why people around her feel like she is arguing with them when she didn’t feel like she is. In this part of the call we discussed expectations, patterns, familial communication styles and more.
There is a lot of goodness on relating with others in this call.
Isis Activation
Holy goddess! We love you all so incredibly much! Thank you, thank you for spending this sacred time with us and Isis!
In this activation, Isis brought a re-membering of you across lifetimes, she activated Isis and healers codes within you, gave you a personalized healing talisman for your work, activated your capacity to traverse time and space and so much more!
That ceremony was such a powerful integration for us and we can’t wait to see where our journey together leads you. We know that so much has awakened for you and there is so much ready to be revealed as you take your next steps along the path of the healer.
Let us know in the group how it was for you – share your insights, ahas, dreams, blocks – anything that comes up for you; we want to know!
We also shared some exciting bonuses (listed further below👇🏼 ) with you for joining the KAIROS Healers Academy in our second year!
Join the Kairos Healers Academy
You are all of Kairos and if you decide that this is the right next step for you, we know that the field that is Kairos along with the two of us will cultivate and nourish you through so much learning, healing and growth in your life and business.
As a Kairos Healers Academy student, through each 6-week cycle of the Wheel of the Year, you will:
🌀 Activate and develop your healing and intuitive gifts (Psychic skills, channeling, mediumship, shamanic healing and more)
🌀 Learn and implement business skills specific to being a professional healer (scheduling systems, web design, legal forms, branding, program development and more)
🌀 Work with other KAIROS students in regular practicums to develop your healing and intuitive gifts and receive a certification (if desired) from the KAIROS Healers Academy
🌀 Travel through the Sacred Wealth Wheel to heal and transform your relationship with money, clear your money blocks, and open new channels to receive
🌀 Create the systems to be financially supported and honored for your gifts as a healer
🌀 Participate in regular Sacred Scribe sessions where you will connect into your voice and develop your writing and marketing skills, and heal the witch wound so that you feel safe to bring your expression and great work into the world
🌀 Work with Medicine Animal and Goddess wheels that takes you through the Wheel of the Year, to connect with the spirit animal medicine and divine feminine archetype that support each cycle
🌀 Join in regular KAIROS rituals and ceremonies facilitated by Ina and Janet to honor the phases of the moon and to align these phases with your personal healing and expansion
And if you join between now and Tuesday, October 4th at 11:59 PT, you will receive these super juicy bonuses!
- $500 off your tuition, bringing the amount down to $13,944 if you pay in full.
- Free seat at the Healer’s Ritual Activation Retreat – $333 admission
- 2 bonus calls with Ina and Janet. These Zoom calls will be themed around the topic of healing and will include instruction, Q+A and a mini-activation – $600 value
- Early access to the Sacred Wealth Creation ($222) and the Healers Initiation ($444) course recordings
- The option to spread your payments out to 15 monthly payments instead of 12, which will only be available until Oct 4th
PLUS, your payment for this course will be deducted from your tuition bringing your total payment down to either $13,611 or $13,500 if paid in full. This equates to roughly $2,200 off of your tuition!
If you’d like to join us you can access the bonus checkout page by clicking the button below. You can also learn more about the Kairos Healers Academy and see the full school description by clicking the “Explore the Academy” button.

Janet Raftis and Ina Lukas are alchemical, shamanic, creatrix channels whose work together supports you in remembering and activating your own innate power and wisdom. Together they bring over 30 years of experience as professional healers.
Through the activations that they facilitate for their community of planetary shifters and lightworkers, they initiate the remembrance of gifts and powers from past lifetimes. Intuition is turned on, light language begins to flow, latent healing abilities become active and suppressed power is catalyzed into the ability to receive greater abundance, richer relationships and exciting opportunities.
They are co-founders of the KAIROS Healers’ Academy, a year-long magical trade school for the healing and intuitive arts. The new school year begins on Samhain – November 7th, 2022.
They also facilitate deeply potent channeled activations throughout the Wheel of the Year (Solstices, Equinoxes, Cross-Quarters) aligning you to the rhythms of nature and harnessing your own potential to tap into your intuitive gifts and to spiritually evolve.

What people had to say about Janet and Ina’s
healing work
“Oh my dearest Ina Lukas, I am writing you with tears welling up and my throat is constricting with emotion. For the first time in my life, I can fit into my body. I am 55 years old. Our work together has released energy. Releasing the abuse, shame, and guilt was huge. I knew, I needed healing, but I didn’t know this energy was taking up so much space that I wasn’t in my body fully. Not until we worked to release it.
I am fully in my body maybe for the first time since I was born. After my ceremony to release this, my body is weak and tired. In spite of that, I feel refreshed. Today, I love myself more than I ever have! For what I have been through and the power I have to be love and light. I am love and light and I am a huge heart radiating gold liquid love! Yes, I am tripping on this amazing feeling. Namaste”
– Christina S.
“Wow, oh, wow. That was a seriously bad ass healing session with you. Each one is more intense than the last which is rather astounding seeing how intense the last was.
After our session, synchronicity and magic began exploding around me. After the next session I should be able to start shooting sparks out of my fingers and wiggling my nose like Bewitched.”
– Debbie DiBona
“I receive so much from Janet’s activations that I knew I wanted to go deeper with Venus. The entire hour was incredible! It went to a much deeper level than I was expecting. It was very healing and energizing! I feel very empowered. I can now accept myself in a way I haven’t been able to before. I believe a lot of my shame has been healed and fragments of my soul have come back to me!”
– Meg T
“I am about to go to bed but before I do I am sharing with you, Ina, that I have NEVER had the experience I had participating on this Activation session on 4-4-4. Immense Gratitude to you. Immense lightening in a bottle energy pouring forth and then immense peace.
Clearly this is not like any other experience I have had previously both as an intuitive and as an Empath. You spoke in a language I had not heard before yet held powerful sway over my body in a physical sense. I shook, I swayed and fell into a strong rhythm which shook my body off and on. While this was taking place chills rolled down my spine and released bursts of energy!”
“The work I have been doing with Janet is some of the deepest healing work I have ever experienced. Her unique approach somehow reaches around all of me and it feels like she holds my soul’s highest intentions for me as we work. It is truly an amazing experience, a pleasure and a privilege to work with her. I consider myself truly blessed to have her in my life.
If you get the chance to work with her, grab it and never look back.”
– LunaMay Lilou Østergaard
“These Activations are bringing profound healing to my soul and body. I feel it, I sense it, I see it. I feel like the lost, neglected, violated, hurt and damaged pieces of my soul are coming back to a safe home. With those lost parts, also my talents and gifts are coming through and I am gaining trust to fully start following my soul purpose. Wow, I am just sooooooo deeply thankful and grateful to myself, my divine team, You, Ina, Alchemists and our amazing community of Lightworkers! Thank you.”
– Maja P.
“Opening my heart with The Alchemists allowed me to manifest an extra $20,000 in a span of a few short weeks.
For anyone wanting to increase their financial prosperity, and loosen up around the subject of money, the Alchemists are a surefire bet to manifesting your financial desires!
I look forward to working with them on the joyful manifestation of becoming a multi-millionaire! ”
– Samuel Jang
“Holy activator goddesses! This was divine magic and power exploding across the waves! Thank you for bringing back the fire power of the jungle🔥Ina!, for enriching our night, our souls and our consciousness!!!love you both!!🔥☄️🌟🌏🌈. 😘😘”
“So Powerful! When the light codes were coming through. Beautiful tones of Light language came through me! Uncontrollable with shaking and vibrating. Then deep relaxation when the light codes pass through me into the new Earth crystal grid. Wow!”
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