
Alchemizing Patriarchal Wounding into the

Gift of Sovereignty

Starting August 25, 2022


There is a thrumming within your heart

And a sweet beating within your soul

That is summoning you forth…

The time of the patriarchy is drawing to a close. And yet, as it takes its last gasping breaths, it is tightening its fingers around us. Clawing. Threatening to take us all down with it.

But that is not what we came here for. 


You came here to be brilliant.

You came here to shine in all your glory.

You came here to make miracles, shift timelines and heal the world.

To play big at this time takes courage. It takes the heart of the lion with the grace of the gazelle. 

It allows for you to reach deep within to undo nearly 5,000 years of patriarchal programming that gaslit you, manipulated and even persecuted you. Your ancestors. And millions of others along the way.

This is the time for you, for us, for all of us to summon our “holy hell no.”

You are being called to rise out of generational submissiveness, to refuse to roll over and pretend as though everything is okay any longer.

Lilith is summoning you.

Lilith, the first woman, the wife before Eve. The wife who was condemned because she refused to lie underneath Adam, because she refused to always be in the submissive position when in fact: They were equals.

The wife who refused to be anything less than the powerful woman she was and who even defied God because he took the side of Adam.

Lilith is the archetype within you that nudges you when you need to speak up, need to assert a boundary, desire something more egalitarian for yourself and others.

She is the voice within you that is oft overlooked because millennia of persecution of those who hold the energy of her voice and her choice has encoded in your DNA that speaking up is dangerous. That you’ll be punished, banished, denigrated as a witch or a demon, just for sharing the truth of who you are.

But the curse of Lilith is the blessing of her – the gift she is holding out to you right now.

When you heal the wounds of Lilith, you activate the power of her.

When you stand up tall, shout out “no more!” and point the finger away from you, something alchemical begins to shift within you.

You begin to weave a template that holds the frequencies of Lilith. 

Your entire being begins to reorganize itself to hold the resonance of Lilith redeemed. Lilith activated and empowered. Lilith as the divine feminine source of sovereignty.

Lilith is a reclamation of five millennia of ostracizing, belittling and persecution. 

Lilith is a sacred uprising. 

And as Liliths, we are Sacred Disruptors of a status quo that no longer serves the fullness of the truth, beauty and power of who we are.

The time to roll out from under Adam, in whatever capacity that is showing up for you – be it in the bedroom or the boardroom or in your personal relationships or professional practice – is NOW.

There are times for the holy hell yes and there are times for the holy hell no.

When we claim our holy hell no, we activate a holy hell yes.

Lilith is summoning you because there is so much for you to do, dear One.

She brought you here because she sees your power. She sees your glory.

She led you here because you are meant to be a part of this new timeline weave in which we all stand shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart.

The New Earth is a world of personal sovereignty. A global society based on healthy interconnectedness. 

To achieve this, we must heal. We must reclaim our sovereignty. We must heal the wounds of both oppressor and oppressed within us.

And so we invite you to join us for a free week within a container of healing and activation of the Lilith archetype within you.

Within this sacred cauldron of potent transformation, you will:

 🔥 Heal wounds of undesired submissiveness

🔥 Activate a space of deep body honoring

🔥 Ignite your holy and embodied “NO”

🔥 Become Sourced in the wisdom of your body to guide you

This week includes:

🔥 One 90-minute activation call in which you will go through deep and transformative healing of the wounds of submissiveness so that you may become more Sourced in the wisdom of your body

🔥 One 60-minute Zoom Q+A and integration of the upgrades from the activation

🔥 One week of powerful sisterhood in our Facebook community

    This week is part of a larger, 5-week course. At the end of the week, you will have the option to join us for the longer journey, if you so desire.

    We are sharing Lilith with you free because the force of her nature is desirous of reaching as many women as possible. Together we are in a massive uprising and in our role as Sacred Disruptors, she is leading us.

    woman praying by tree


    It’s time to claim full sovereignty.

    Getting lost in unhealthy relationship dynamics keeps you small. It overworks you, exhausts you and leads to resentment and burnout.

    If you are to show up in your full magical glory, you must do so with your crown fully positioned on your head and your bottom firmly seated on your throne.

    You have so much magic to share and your healing powers are needed more than ever.

    But so many healers are still carrying the imprints of their own wounding, getting lost in overgiving and undervaluing themselves.

    There is nothing noble about giving yourself away, dear One.

    The patriarchy {including women} has taught you that you must give selflessly, say yes even when your heart is screaming no, always defer to another and never say anything that might upset anyone else.

    Societal cues point to not charging for healing services, giving extra time if the other person needs it, and hiding out so that you don’t upset others who might resent your light.

    But darling, when you are exhausted, overworked and struggling financially, your magic weakens. Your powers suffer. Your body begins to collapse back on itself. It keeps you small and you were never meant to be small.

    You are here for more. You are here because you have the capacity to shine oh so brightly. Because you are magical. Because you are helping to shift timelines and save the world.

    You are here at this incredibly pivotal time because the world needs you. It needs your healing, it needs your magic:

    The world needs you in your sovereign power.

    If we are to create a new earth, we need {Gaia needs} all hands fully powered up and on deck.

    You are important.
    Your health, vitality and wellness matter.
    Your finances matter.
    Your miracle making matters.

    When you show up in life and in your practice as a boundaried and sovereign leader, your clients, friends, family and the world at large receive your gifts more powerfully.

    There is less effort, less push…you can begin to create from an overflowing cup, one that allows for deep and replenishing self-care while also creating a greater ripple effect across the globe.

    The rested, boundaried, sovereign you will experience greater results with your clients while also creating space for more synchronicity, more abundance and more miracles.

    The world is shifting and transforming. The time for overwork is done.

    And so we invite you into an uprising of powerful, sovereign leaders who know who they are, what they are here to do and who embody the deep magic of the medicine woman.

    We are rising up into abundant living.
    We are rising up into nourished connection with ourselves and Source.
    We are rising up into greater impact.

    We are rising into the leaders we came here to be.

    Over the course of five weeks, you will go deep into channeled shamanic initiations with Lilith, our matron goddess of this course, and the animal spirits of Armadillo, Skunk, Rooster and Barnacle to completely transform into a more embodied, grounded, centered and abundantly sourced healer.

    In our time together, you will:

    • Heal wounds of undesired submissiveness and step into a state of personal authority
    • Activate the power of your solar plexus and throat chakras to assert yourself, say no when desired, and express your boundaries with grace
    • Create and activate an Armadillo shield that supports you in summoning your perfect client while deflecting those who do not honor you in any way
    • Heal wounds of diminishment and stand more proudly in deep and reverent self-respect
    • Ignite self-confidence to strut your stuff and to let the world know that
    • Heal trauma bonds that have left you in a state of co-dependency with others
    • Open you to the wisdom that you are enough and that you are immensely valuable
    • Amplify your psychic and healing gifts
    • Claim your space as healer, timeline shifter and weaver

    This 5-week healing initiation and course is designed to heal trauma that keeps you from being fully embodied, present and sovereign as a healer.

    The intention is for you to prop yourself up as the badass medicine woman that you are so that you can work the magic in the world that you came here to share.

    These five weeks will change you.

    If you’re ready to activate your greater healing presence, join us!

    “Since working with Janet and Ina, I’ve experienced massive personal transformation around money, wealth and abundance. I’ve recognized the old patterns that were inherited from family and ancestors and I’ve been able to heal a lot of the outdated thought processes. I’ve also grown massive in my belief around my gifts and psychic senses. My life has been impacted in wonderful ways but especially in my intimate relationships, boundaries and worthiness. I am learning to allow things to come and go easefully.”  

    – Sarah McCallum Cosmic Finder/Bodyworker

    “I love the experience of being held so securely by Ina and Janet, with such deep love and in such a container full of joy!! Each class makes me chuckle with joy, which is the infectious nature of the Janet & Ina duo! They are both magic makers of the highest order and are so deeply connected to the divine as channels and as healers – it is a true honour to be in their circle, under their instruction and loving wisdom! Thank you both for your love, dedication, passion and in-spiration!”

    – Kirsty Jandrell

    When healers come together and activate their gifts,

    they rise even higher!

    This 5-week initiation series holds transmissions and codes to help you dissolve layers of codependency, feelings of low self worth, and the diminishment of your value.

    Through these healing activations, you will come to understand the deep power you hold within you to create even more miracles in your life and in the lives of those you work with.

    ~ Our spirit guides on this journey ~



    With Lilith, the divine feminine becomes more fully realized. You will heal wounds of undesired submissiveness and activate the space of deep body honoring. You will ignite your holy and embodied “NO” and become Sourced in the wisdom of your body to guide you.



    Armadillo will support you in fierce boundaries that uphold your most nourished and replenished state. She will help you to discern what feels right to you and what does not, while holding you in a space of empowered awareness and co-creation around your boundaries.



    Skunk medicine activates the type of self respect that commands the same respect from others while also furthering the lessons of discernment that lead to magical magnetism for that which you DO desire in your practice and life.


    Through the power of Rooster, you will activate the divine masculine within you, heal wounds of low self worth and cultivate greater confidence that allows for more visibility and expression in the world.



    And with sweet yet mighty Barnacle, you will step into leadership and healthy autonomy through aligned and resonant interdependence. Barnacle purifies and harmonizes, restores and leads. Like Lilith, Barnacle embodies the wisdom of our entire 5-week journey together.

    The original meaning of the word “sovereign” was:

    to sit on the throne of the QUEEN.

    Live Activation Calls
    Aug 25, 7:00-8:30pm ET: Lilith
    Sept 1, 7:00-8:30pm ET: Armadillo
    Sept 8, 7:00-8:30pm ET: Skunk
    Sept 15, 7:00-8:30pm ET: Rooster
    Sept 22, 7:00-8:30pm ET: Barnacle

    Plus 5 live Q+A Zoom calls to go deeper into community and integrate the activations.


    Janet Raftis and Ina Lukas are alchemical, shamanic, creatrix channels whose work together supports you in remembering and activating your own innate power and wisdom. Together they bring over 30 years of experience as professional healers.

    Through the activations that they facilitate for their community of planetary shifters and lightworkers, they initiate the remembrance of gifts and powers from past lifetimes. Intuition is turned on, light language begins to flow, latent healing abilities become active and suppressed power is catalyzed into the ability to receive greater abundance, richer relationships and exciting opportunities.

    They are co-founders of the KAIROS Healers’ Academy, a year-long magical trade school for the healing and intuitive arts.  The new school year begins on Samhain –  November 7th, 2022. 

    They also facilitate deeply potent channeled activations throughout the Wheel of the Year (Solstices, Equinoxes, Cross-Quarters) aligning you to the rhythms of nature and harnessing your own potential to tap into your intuitive gifts and to spiritually evolve.

    What people had to say about Janet and Ina’s
    healing work

    “Oh my dearest Ina Lukas, I am writing you with tears welling up and my throat is constricting with emotion. For the first time in my life, I can fit into my body. I am 55 years old. Our work together has released energy. Releasing the abuse, shame, and guilt was huge. I knew, I needed healing, but I didn’t know this energy was taking up so much space that I wasn’t in my body fully. Not until we worked to release it.   

    I am fully in my body maybe for the first time since I was born. After my ceremony to release this, my body is weak and tired. In spite of that, I feel refreshed. Today, I love myself more than I ever have! For what I have been through and the power I have to be love and light. I am love and light and I am a huge heart radiating gold liquid love! Yes, I am tripping on this amazing feeling. Namaste”

    – Christina S.

    “Wow, oh, wow. That was a seriously bad ass healing session with you. Each one is more intense than the last which is rather astounding seeing how intense the last was.

    After our session, synchronicity and magic began exploding around me. After the next session I should be able to start shooting sparks out of my fingers and wiggling my nose like Bewitched.” 

    – Debbie DiBona

    “I receive so much from Janet’s activations that I knew I wanted to go deeper with Venus. The entire hour was incredible! It went to a much deeper level than I was expecting. It was very healing and energizing! I feel very empowered. I can now accept myself in a way I haven’t been able to before. I believe a lot of my shame has been healed and fragments of my soul have come back to me!”

    – Meg T  

    “I am about to go to bed but before I do I am sharing with you, Ina, that I have NEVER had the experience I had participating on this Activation session on 4-4-4. Immense Gratitude to you. Immense lightening in a bottle energy pouring forth and then immense peace. 

    Clearly this is not like any other experience I have had previously both as an intuitive and as an Empath. You spoke in a language I had not heard before yet held powerful sway over my body in a physical sense. I shook, I swayed and fell into a strong rhythm which shook my body off and on. While this was taking place chills rolled down my spine and released bursts of energy!”

    “The work I have been doing with Janet is some of the deepest healing work I have ever experienced. Her unique approach somehow reaches around all of me and it feels like she holds my soul’s highest intentions for me as we work. It is truly an amazing experience, a pleasure and a privilege to work with her. I consider myself truly blessed to have her in my life.

    If you get the chance to work with her, grab it and never look back.” 

    – LunaMay Lilou Østergaard

    “These Activations are bringing profound healing to my soul and body. I feel it, I sense it, I see it. I feel like the lost, neglected, violated, hurt and damaged pieces of my soul are coming back to a safe home. With those lost parts, also my talents and gifts are coming through and I am gaining trust to fully start following my soul purpose.  Wow, I am just sooooooo deeply thankful and grateful to myself, my divine team, You, Ina, Alchemists and our amazing community of Lightworkers! Thank you.”

    – Maja P.

    “Opening my heart with The Alchemists allowed me to manifest an extra $20,000 in a span of a few short weeks.

    For anyone wanting to increase their financial prosperity, and loosen up around the subject of money, the Alchemists are a surefire bet to manifesting your financial desires!

    I look forward to working with them on the joyful manifestation of becoming a multi-millionaire! ”

    – Samuel Jang

    “Holy activator goddesses! This was divine magic and power exploding across the waves! Thank you for bringing back the fire power of the jungle🔥Ina!, for enriching our night, our souls and our consciousness!!!love you both!!🔥☄️🌟🌏🌈. 😘😘”

    “So Powerful! When the light codes were coming through. Beautiful tones of Light language came through me! Uncontrollable with shaking and vibrating. Then deep relaxation when the light codes pass through me into the new Earth crystal grid. Wow!”

    © 2022 by KAIROS Healers Academy | All Rights Reserved