Thank you for joining in this powerful Full Moon in Aries!

We are so grateful you are here.

This is a super potent transmission and activation. Please be somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed so that you can fully receive the frequencies that come through for you.

The activation will take you into a multidimensional state of consciousness. Be sure to drink a lot of water and to allow for integration time.

This ceremony was so potent! And it’s just a taste of what we have to offer in the Rise of the Healers Retreat: Summoning and Catalyzing Your Intuitive Healing Powers.

Over the course of 3 days, we are going to go incredibly deep with you as you open your psychic gateway, tap into your healing magic, activate healers codes, work with your sacred healers expression and learn a ritual process to support you in earning more in your chosen field of heart-centered service.

And because you’re participating in the ceremony, we have a super special offer for you! 

The entire weekend for just $111! PLUS, you get to bring a friend for FREE. This bonus is only available until 11:59 PT on Thursday, October 21st.  

In this retreat, you will:

  • Activate sacred wealth codes that will support you as a healer
  • Catalyze your goddess given shamanic expression
  • Receive powerful energetic upgrades to your healer’s soul blueprint
  • Open your Psychic Gate and initiate psychic and/or channeling powers within you
  • Connect to your higher self and decalcify fear-based imprinting that is holding you back from greater connection to Source and the powerful healing rhythms of nature
  • See and work with the reflection of the Power, Truth and Soul Resonance as a healer that is coming alive within you
  • Learn about the KAIROS Ritual Process Wheel to bring in more clients, build community or flow through launches
  • Amplify your voice as a healer and divine conduit
  • Open yourself up to new revenues of income that support you in doing your great work

This potent 3-day journey includes:

🌀12 hours of powerful instruction, practicum, intuitive experiencing, healing and activating along with a couple hundred brothers and sisters who are all claiming their healing power as well. 

🌀A private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share experiences and bond with your magical community.

🌀Sacred Wealth Creation Class on how you can open yourself up to new revenue streams

🌀An introduction to the KAIROS Ritual Process Wheel to bring in more clients, build community or flow through launches

🌀Recordings of all sessions that you will have access to for 5 days following the retreat

And so many magic makers, healers and planetary shifters have already joined us! 

If you have any questions, please email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

So much love to you!

Janet + Ina

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